Miles Andrews 27th Lorne Cancer Conference 2015

Miles Andrews

Dr Andrews is a Consultant Medical Oncologist at The Alfred, and NHMRC Early Career Fellow at Monash University. His clinical sub-specialty interests in cancers of the skin, chest, and head & neck complement his research focus on understanding how tumour genomics and host immunity interact to influence the outcome of cancer therapy. After gaining specialist qualifications in Medical Oncology in 2012, he completed a PhD in genomics and melanoma biology at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute and University of Melbourne, followed by a three-year postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center focused on multi-platform biomarker studies of cancer immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and the gut microbiome in cancer. Dr Andrews is also clinical lead for melanoma registry projects through the Personalised Oncology Division at WEHI and leads several translational research projects evaluating the clinical outcomes, biomarkers, and fundamental biology of cancer therapies.

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